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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Friendship (Poem) with Russian Language

If a chum
begins acting rum,
Not a friend, not a foe,
but so...
And if suddenly you can't tell
If he means ill or well,
Take him off mountaineering -
But don't let him stray
When he is roped on one rope
with you
You will find out if he is true.

If, as the chap scales,
the quails,
If his nerve starts to go,
and so -
He steps backwards appalled,
and falls
On a glacier, and bawls -
Then you will know in a trice -
no dice.
Chase him off - there is no use
in abuse:
You will do better - no doubt -
without him,
And do not sing about him.

If the chap doesn't moan,
or groan,
If, though angry or glum,
he will come,
And when you miss your step
and tumble,
He will hang on,
though he will grumble;
If he will stay with you
all the way
To the top, as though into the fray -
Then you will know that the man is a friend
You can trust to the end.

by Vladimir Vysotsky.

He lived a very intense life.
He worked in Theater and in the Cinema …he gave concerts,

He has left us his songs, his parts in films.

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